Privacy Policy
Disclaimer: Computer Specialist’s (CSI) website contains links to other websites that are not under our control. CSI makes no representations whatsoever about any other website to which you may have access through the CSI website. CSI is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any information, data, opinions, advice, or statements made on these sites. CSI provides these links merely as a convenience, and the inclusion of such links does not imply that CSI-ATL endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or uses of such websites.
Because protecting your privacy is very important to Computer Specialist, we have adopted the following policies to safeguard your personal information and are committed to protecting its confidentiality. We will limit the collection and use of personal information to what is necessary to administer our business, provide you with the highest quality service, and offer you opportunities we think will be of interest. We will not disclose any individual information to other organizations.
A) Basic Statement:
Computer Specialist collects personal information from our visitors on a voluntary basis only. Personal information may include name, title, company, address, phone number, e-mail address, etc. The individual information we collect is used only by Computer Specialist to process orders which have been placed by our customers; or for marketing our products, events and/or services. We do not sell, rent, or transmit personal information to other organizations.
B) Collection and Use:
Our web server tracks and collects general information about the visits to our web site. For example, we compile statistics that show the daily numbers of visitors to our site, the daily requests we receive for particular files, the types of browsers visitors use, the visitors’ domain names, and what countries those requests come from.
The data you voluntarily provide helps us to customize our website to better meet your needs, therefore we may request and store the following types of specific information: your name, company name, street address, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Computer Specialist may also retain electronic communications you send to our customer service representatives or webmaster. These may be shared only within Computer Specialist as a means to continually improve customer service.
C) Mailing List Use:
After receiving an advertisement from us via e-mail you will have the chance to remove your name from our server. Please note that if you remove your name from our list and then register with us the following month your name will be automatically added to our database and you will need to remove it again.
Advertisements we send out via e-mail may contain ads from our customers and not necessarily Computer Specialist. Please note that when we do this our customers DO NOT have your e-mail address in their possession. We DO NOT and WILL NOT sell or give your e-mail address to anyone.
D) Storage and Access:
All personal information you provide to Computer Specialist is secured on our server with restricted access. Computer Specialist reserves the right to use agents, who are bound by strict confidentiality guidelines, to perform storage and processing functions. Only designated employees or agents who need to carry out legitimate business functions are permitted to view your personal data. Employees or agents who violate Computer Specialist’s privacy policies are subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination.
E) Disclosure:
Because Computer Specialist considers the individual information we maintain to be confidential, our policy is to disclose no personal information to third parties unless release is required by law or is pertinent to judicial or government investigations or proceedings.